RHC COVID-19 Testing Program Survey

As many of you know, we have been collecting testing data on www.RHCcovidreporting.com and we are happy to report that RHCs and their parent organizations have provided over 9.7 million COVID-19 tests since May. Collecting this kind of data is crucial for the overall strength of the RHC program because it demonstrates that RHCs can and will step up to meet the challenge during times of crisis.

However, the data we have collected through www.RHCcovidreporting.com is largely quantitative data, which is important, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Therefore, we are asking you to take this brief survey, to provide us with a better picture of the role RHCs have played during this pandemic.

The survey is optional but the more responses we get the stronger the RHC program will be in the future!
