Palmetto "Outpatient Services Incorrectly Paid"

Nathan Baugh, Director of Government Affairs


Outpatient Services Incorrectly Paid

NARHC has been in contact with Palmetto regarding the letters sent to RHCs this month Re: “Outpatient Services Incorrectly Paid by Medicare for Beneficiaries under a Medicare Advantage Plan.” Palmetto has informed us that additional communications are forthcoming on Monday, June 25th, which should address some of the concerns we have heard from the RHC community including:

  • Additional tools to identify the claims and patients affected
  • Instructions on how an RHC may challenge Palmetto’s ruling
  • An updated timeline

If you are one of the RHCs affected by this issue, please be on the lookout for additional information from Palmetto, Monday, June 25th. While, Palmetto will be putting this information out through their own channels, we are also planning to share the information on our listservs due to the number of RHCs that are affected.

NARHC plans to remain in communication with both Palmetto and CMS as this issue develops.

Nathan Baugh
Director of Government Affairs
(202) 544-1880